The largest Russian exhibition Navitech-2016 specialized in telematic solutions took place on 10-13 of May, 2016. It gathered together the professionals of the navigation markets of Russia and CIS countries.

StarLine specialists told the participants and visitors of the exhibition about the most advanced innovations of StarLine security and telematic equipment, which makes smart cars even smarter already today!

StarLine stand traditionally drew attention of numerous visitors from the very first day of the exhibition. «I have visited your stand during the last year exhibition and liked it very much. I thought it was impossible to create something better, but this year I am surprised again both by the design of your stand and its content. I got acquainted with interesting StarLine innovations for car security and learned the opportunities of StarLine telematics. I got exhaustive answers to all my questions!», – one of the visitors said.

«I was impressed by the demonstration of monitoring server to the monitor. Such smart opportunities as assessment of driving behavior, multi-colored tracks, geozones, geotags will no doubt benefit the work of my company,» – said Oleg, the head of the logistics company.

Great interest was aroused by StarLine Telematics mobile app, by StarLine application for smartwatches, and as well as by the latest development of Russian StarLine engineers – a smart compact tracker StarLine M66.

«StarLine M66 tracker is a long-awaited StarLine new product. It is modern and meets the user needs. The small size allows you to securely hide the tracker, and the ability to connect it to the CAN bus extends the available functions of protection and comfort. This is very important for me, as the car owner and the head of transport division,» – said Ivan, the guest of the stand, while looking at StarLine M66.

«Informative, interesting, bright consultations. StarLine experts explain complicated things with easy and accessible words», – one of the visitors shared his impressions. The detailed consultations were provided to all the interested guests, and the questions were coming one by one.

Is it possible to monitor the whole car fleet with a large number of cars using a single personal account? How many devices can be registered to one account in Which self-diagnostic functions will be available in the near future? How can I get access to the StarLine Dealer service?

Many were also interested in cooperation in the field of StarLine contract manufacturing, in purchase of StarLine of equipment for personal car and for use at corporate transport.

The exhibition program this year has been very busy both for the visitors and the exhibitors. «Navitech was held in conjunction with the exhibition Communication-2016, which helped to break all the records on the number of participants and visitors, most of whom were specialists of the industry,» – said Diana Yunak, Manager of StarLine advertising projects.

Navitech-2016 showed that even in challenging times high technologies continue to develop and open new opportunities for private and corporate users. It is true in particular for the field of car security. StarLine continues to invest in the Russian science and production, creating a smart car and contributing to the growth of the domestic economy and technical progress of Russia.