Ahead of a highly anticipated motor-season bikers and all those who have just thought of joining this bright and roaring subculture gathered together on the VII international motorcycle exhibition IMIS 2016 held from April 14 to April 17.

Participants and visitors of the motor-salon were fully impressed. Everybody was waiting for novelties of the motor industry, delights of the customizing masters, extreme motor-show and new developments for reliable protection of motorcycles offered by StarLine in a new season!

Bikers greeted each other with glowing eyes in anticipation of the upcoming motor-season. IMIS had already become the traditional meeting place of good friends. The exhibition was interesting both for the experienced bikers and the beginners. The ordinary citizens could also find something to be surprised from, something to be happy about and something to enjoy. Here were both top of the line modern motor vehicles and motorcycles which have already travelled thousands of kilometers. There were the masters of stunt driving, performing breathtaking tricks, and the opportunity to buy new accessories both for the motorbike and the biker.

For Ilya such a new accessory became the autonomous beacon StarLine M15. The man arrived at the exhibition by car, because his little son was also craving to look at the motorcycles. It was the boy first who noticed the beacon, lying peacefully in the aquarium filled with water. The beacon was blinking led, sending signals to the mobile phone. «This is a real treasure for me, as I prefer directions to ordinary roads, – Ilya laughed. – The motocross bike will pass any swamp, and it needs the waterproof beacon!»

Eugene has been familiar with the StarLine equipment for a long time. He had the security complex already installed, and was going to purchase the search and monitoring beacon StarLine M17. He consulted the specialist in car and motor-security about the correct setup of the new equipment: «Thank you very much, I’ve got it. It appears, everything is very easy and clear!», – the happy biker said.

StarLine booth was always busy. Many visitors have learned about new complexes for reliable protection of motorcycles, such as motor-immobilizer StarLine V66 and smart security and telematic complex StarLine V67. «I have specified the address of the installation center. Also I am very curious about StarLine V67, as it features online monitoring and feedback. I have very high hardware requirements, including its energy efficiency, and I am happy to find StarLine, as it fully meets my needs,» – Ivan told.

StarLine new products were interesting also to the representatives of motorbike salons, as now they will be able to offer the reliable security to their customers and their brand new motorbikes.

And one of the visitors of IMIS, who had arrived from Finland, was glad that such high-tech equipment was developed and produced in Russia: «I have a lot of friends here, the so-called motor-brothers. Your country is rich in great people and talented engineers who can create amazing devices!»

IMIS 2016 has become a bright and unforgettable event for anyone interested in motorcycles. Various shows and motorcycle demonstrations gave way to cheerful and amusing contests. And soon the entertainer announced the quiz from StarLine! As a reward the winners received beautiful gifts prepared by StarLine specialists. «For two days I was visiting StarLine booth. I selected the equipment, tried it on, and asked, asked, asked… And here I am the Winner of the quiz!», – one of the participants of the quiz shared his joy.

The past motor-salon was traditionally warm, friendly and cheerful. The St. Petersburg motor-exhibition is recognized by the bikers as a big family reunion, which brings together all the motor-brothers and people with one common trait – love for motorcycles.