Meet the new multifunctional security and monitoring complex StarLine M32T with self-start, smart monitoring, and optional connection by 2CAN or CAN+LIN buses to expand the possible functions!
With new StarLine M32T you will treat your car with smart control of security and comfort functions!
Smart self-start
Enjoy remote and automatic engine starting from your smartphone! StarLine M32T enables the remote self-start as well as automatic engine start by temperature, at the set time, or periodically according to the software settings.

Control of prestarting heaters*
You will enjoy the warm salon of your car in any weather! Just use StarLine M32T for remote control of Webasto and Eberspächer prestarting heaters.
*Please consult the installer of additional equipment or call the technical support service 8 800 3338030 on the possibility to set up this function in your car

Control from your phone — is easy and convenient!
Control security and service functions of your car, and receive status notifications to your cell phone by means of free StarLine mobile app with an intuitive interface!

Smart monitoring
Are you worried when trust the car to your family, relatives or friends? Enjoy the convenient smart monitoring using free satellite security and monitoring service! You will always know where your car is!
Smart and affordable StarLine M32T provides the ability to control the speed and routes of your car by GLONASS and GPS satellites from any point of the world.

Salon wiretapping
Do you have any suspicion of unauthorized entry to your car? Multifunctional security and monitoring complex StarLine M32T is equipped with the microphone. Type in a special command on your cell phone, and you will be able to listen what is happening inside your car.
Smart StarLine M32T guarantees the reliable protection of your car!

Optionally:Connection and control by CAN+LIN and 2CAN busesConnection by the CAN or LIN bus provides fast, convenient and safe installation of StarLine security complexes on modern cars fit with CAN or LIN buses. StarLine M32T security and monitoring complex connected by the CAN or LIN bus will allow you to control regular security system of your car as well as arm and disarm your car using the cell phone with free StarLine app installed. You can also use your regular pager. The functions available when connecting by CAN+LIN and 2CAN:– Increase the level of protection against professional hijackers with the help of iCAN – the unique technology of hidden engine blocking through the factory digital buses |

– Diagnose all the major systems of your car: get information on disrepair in your personal account and save money with automatic smart diagnostics! The list of available functions is constantly growing. Get new opportunities for protection and comfort by updating the software of the central unit* of your StarLine security complex! * Use the SMS command 00591 for «over the air» software updating. |